Portable Truck Scales
WWSE adalah Plat timbangan portable yang dirancang untuk mengukur beban kendaraan secara portable menggunakan kabel terkoneksi.

Timbangan Truck Portable WWSE
WWSE adalah Plat timbangan portable yang dirancang untuk mengukur beban kendaraan secara portable yang dapat dipindah-pindah dengan kemapuan ukur tehadap kendaraan besar (van, truk, tanker, trailer traktor, dll.); timbangan ini sangat akurat dan kuat, dengan memperhatikan detail setiap penimbangannya.
Timbangan model WWSF ini didukung dengan portable display yang terhubung melalui cable koneksi dari platform ke indikator. Produk ini dibuat dan dirancang oleh teknisi handal dari italia, sehingga kualitas dan hasil ukur tidak diragukan lagi. Dilengkapi dengan pegangan di kedua sisi untuk memudahkan pengangkutan dan pemosisian. Sangat cocok untuk penimbangan dinamis.
- ECEM: Telah memenuhi Standar CE-M.
- ECEMDOC: Deklarasi kesesuaian UE yang dicetak, sertifikat verifikasi UE, sertifikat uji, dan buku metrologi (unduh gratis dari situs web kami, hanya untuk produk CE-M yang disetujui).
- Dimension: "WWSE" 700 x 561 x 58mm.
WWS-R: Additional on/off ramps
- Integrated folding ramps, useful to facilitate the boarding and the alighting of vehicles with small diameter wheels or moved with the engine off.
- Single aluminium ramp for WWSD and WWSF. Dimensions 900 x 150 x 30mm.

Features :
- Pad dimensions: 700 x 561mm.
- Height 58mm.
- Weight approximately: 26kg.
- Loading surface: 700 x 450mm.
- Dual handle for easy handling.
- Fitted with wheels for pad transport.
- Sturdy structure, made in special alluminum, which guarantees lightness and makes these suitable also for harsh working conditions.
- 10 m PUR cable, with IP68 connector on platform side and new M12 connector on weight indicator side.
- IP68 stainless steel load cells.
- IP68 hermetic junction box.
- Special vulcanised nonslip rubber applied under the pad, for good grip on all types of surfaces.
- Extremely simple and reliable connection of the scale to the weight indicator.
- The WWS pads are patented; the number is 1.342.302.
- Available in legal for trade approved version.
- Available in high resolution version.
- Available upon price estimate in Atex version for 1&21 e 2&22 zones.
- AF03 :
- Software for weighbridges, input/output vehicle. For 3590 and CPW weight indicators.
- AF08 :
- Software for static wheel and axle weighing with 2 or more pads.
- AF09 :
- Software for dynamic and static axle weighing with 1 or 2 pads.
Load Capacity :
- WWSE6T-1 : 6000kg / single platform
- WWSE10T-1 : 10000kg / single platform
- WWSE15T-1 : 15000kg / single platform
Main connectable indicators
- DFWKRP-3 :
- For analogue WWS (WWS...-y) only. Indicator with transport case and integrated printer. Fitted with specific programme for vehicle weighing, 17-key keypad, backlit display and time/date. Available only in combination with Dini Argeo vehicle weighing systems (WWS, RWS, DTW, WBSA series)
- 3590EKR-3 :
- For analogue WWS (WWS...-y) only. Indicator with transport case, printer and AF09 software. 25-key keypad, LED display and backlit graphic LCD display. Available only in combination with Dini Argeo vehicle weighing systems (WWS, RWS, DTW, WBSA series).
- 3590ETKR-3 :
- For analogue WWS (WWS...-y) only. Touch screen indicator in transport case with printer, AF08 software. Colour display. Available only in combination with Dini Argeo vehicle weighing systems (WWS, RWS, DTW, WBSA series).